sketches from 1992   [12 pictures]
found an old sketchbook of mine from around 1992. here are a few drawings i scanned.
miscellaneous   [5 pictures]
miscellaneous sketches of no particular purpose or origin. some of these were done very quickly. *updated 2005-aug-05*
anime north 2005   [4 pictures]
drawings i did for anime north 2005.
bunny heroes of SPACE   [2 pictures]
an idea for a comic inspired by (or ripped off of) of those anime "team shows", such as battle of the planets or voltron (5 lions).
ncyclopedia moppa chatko   [5 pictures]
a few pages from self-published experimental hypercomic/ zine created back in 1990-91, called 'NCYCLOPEDIA MOPPA CHATKO VOLUME ZERO.