monster attack DHTML
advertisementthis is my first project using DHTML (dynamic HTML). note that it currently only works properly in a subset of major recent browsers (see sidebar).
click here to give it a try.
ok, so that's kind of fun, but it doesn't seem much different than say web neko... except that you can also do this:
click here to watch it on google!
or try any web page you want!!
bookmarklet!! *NEW*
drag and drop this link --> monster attack <-- into your browser links bar (note: in internet explorer you may get a warning about it being "unsafe"; just click "OK"), and you will be able to attack any page you're visiting with a simple click on the button! (for more info on bookmarklets, see and jesse's bookmarklets site).
stuff to come
- tank shots (sort of done)
- letting tanks be destroyed
- helicopter and/or jets!
- maybe some user-controlled interaction?
i plan to write about the technical side soon, too...